Assistant Section Manager, Treasure Coast
Vincent Weal, K4JC
I started down this long, addictive path called Amateur Radio at the age of 13 when my father gave me a CB radio for my birthday. My older brother began telling me about Ham Radio, and soon I had my ticket. For a while I was very active, then I discovered girls, and cars, and college, and work, and marriage, and kids, and divorce, and remarriage, and they all conspired against an active ham career! Throughout that time, though, I never let my license lapse or lost the passion for Amateur Radio (I stayed somewhat active on 2 meter FM). Around 2000 I picked up an old HF radio and a trap vertical and rediscovered the "magic"! I've not looked back since.
When not on the air I serve as an ARRL VE and have been known to help teach some Technician classes. I am a past President of the Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club and director of the Florida East Coast DX Club, as well as a past ARES EC for Indian River County. I look forward to serving the Treasure Coast Region as an Assistant SFL Section Manager.