Training Requirements for ARES Members


Regarding training for ARES members and ARES leadership, the following are the requirements for amateur radio operators to belong to the Florida State Emergency Response Team (FLSERT) from John Fleming at the state EOC. These requirements are in compliance with the requirements of the Department of Homeland Security and of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and apply to all potential disaster responders, volunteer and professional. The listing below identifies the various categories of potential responders as they apply to amateur radio. ARES membership is preferred and recommended but is not an absolute requirement. Added are also the EMCOMM training of the American Radio Relay League; this is not in the DHS/FEMA guidelines but is a League recommendation and one that is being applied in nearly all states in the Country. Any person not meeting these requirements will not be eligible for deployment, participation, reimbursement, liability protection, etc.

Operators that will be deployed locally only or operating at home stations: ARRL EC-001 Level 1, NIMS IS 100 and NIMS IS 700.

Operators likely to be deployed away from their County, ARRL or ARES Officials at the local level (AEC, EC, RACES Officer), Gateway Station Operators, Local EOC Station Operators or Liaisons: The above plus: ARRL EC-002 Level 2 and NIMS IS 200.

ARRL or ARES Leadership at the District Level, Deployed Operators with Management or Supervisory Assignments, State or Federal EOC Liaisons: The above plus: ARRL EC-003 Level 3 Revision 2, Plus, in FY 07, ICS 300 (classroom course).

ARRL or ARES Leadership at the Section, Division or National Level, State or National ESF-2 Representatives: The above plus: FEMA IS 800.A National Response Plan, plus, in FY 07, ICS 400 (classroom course).


FEMA Independent Study Program & FEMA IS Course List

Southern Florida Section ARES groups, contact our ASM - Training Coordinator, David Fowler, K4DLF for ARECC EC-001 training assistance